Friday, January 04, 2008

Fall rewind

The holidays are behind us and a new year is just beginning. October, November and December are my favorite months of the year and I am really sorry to see them go. Words can't express the feelings that come over me during the fall. There are loads of sights, smells and things to do that capture me every year. I love it, enough said.

With the Tour de Tucson under my belt there's another thing that lights my fire in November. I tackled the 85 mile route and punched it in the mouth with a 5 hour and 8 minute time. There was still some gas in the tank too! Not bad for my first road race. This year I'm not sure what to do, thinking beat 07' results or go full out and do 109!

There are couple of events that are coming up in April that I would like to do. The Tour de Phoenix (April 5) and The Tour of the Tucson Mountains (April 27). They're both 70ish mile events and should make for a couple nice jolts into these soft legs.